Architecture Overview

  1. Data Validation Module: Bitcoin Network - The backbone of the Bloom architecture is its Data Validation module, crucial for the overall security of the system. The integrity of the entire architecture relies on the robustness of this module.

  2. Data Availability Module: Avail - Bloom utilizes both the Bitcoin network and the Avail DA solution for data storage. While Bitcoin provides unparalleled security by storing data hashes, Avail D4 offers a more cost-effective solution for handling larger data volumes.

  3. Rollup Module: ZK Stack - Bloom leverages a robust ZK Rollup framework, integrating a customized version of the ZK Stack that includes support for Bitcoin, enhancing compatibility and security.

  4. Smart Contract Module: EVM - The Bloom Protocol aligns closely with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, enabling straightforward migration of decentralized applications from Ethereum to Bitcoin with little to no changes required by developers.

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